Find out a little more about what Will has been up to along with photos from his recent video "check out" on Transworld. Enjoy!
I have known Will for a long time, both of us coming from a small island in the San Juan Islands, a small group of islands about 80 miles north of Seattle, WA. Now we both live in Pasadena, CA and happen to live in the same apartment building. It's awesome to see how much he has progressed skating while also going to Art Center in Pasadena, CA right after high school. Then starting a full-time art teaching job within a couple weeks of graduation. Starting the new year off with a checkout in the December/January issue TWS Magazine and a video checkout, 2018 is looking bright! -WF
"Finally, after 7-8 times back, we rolled away with two keepers! Missions like that get me so hyped, no matter how much it sucks going back".
WF: What trick gave you the most battle from the checkout?
WK: Slab City is always a battle! (The euro gap to DIY cinder block ledge at 2:44). Not only is it a three-hour drive to get there, but it’s usually blazing hot. In regards to the DIY ledge: Kyle Steniede and I went out there 8 separate times over the course of a year to get two tricks, one of them being the F/S lip that’s in the part. We went out there the first time to find it full of water but ended up cementing the DIY ledge in place and calling it a day.
Went back three more times but couldn’t roll away with anything. Fourth time back, we drove there to find the ledge destroyed and the curb in a huge manhole (Laughs). Think people got bummed that it was sort of in the way of the step up. From there, we’d pack all the cinderblocks and the curb into the trunk and install/de-install the ledge every time with rebar and packed dirt. It was such a mission but so much fun! Around 2 pm, the sun starts setting right in your vision, so we’d leave Pasadena around 5 am to get as much time as possible out there. Think it was the sixth time we tried the tricks, we drove there after work on a Friday. Rented a second generator and had four sets of lights. Got there around midnight and found it full of water, again. Drove all the way back to Pasadena without even stepping on the board haha. Finally, after 7-8 times back, we rolled away with two keepers! Missions like that get me so hyped, no matter how much it sucks going back. Always down for a Slab City session!
WF: Teaching art full time and skating/ filming keeps you nice and busy. Give a quick Monday through Sunday breakdown.
WK: So Monday through Friday usually consists of waking up at 5 am, cooking breakfast and taking Benny (my dog) out, and being to work by 6:30 – 7am. I teach middle and high school art at Fusion Academy in Miracle Mile. I’ll teach everyday until 5:30 then head back home. I try my best to hit a park and also get a night mission in during the week. Kyle’s always down to go filming at night so it makes it easier. A full day of teaching after a night mission is a struggle, but it’s worth it if I can get a clip haha. I’ve always been hyped on night skating too. The footage looks way better in my opinion and it feels like more of mission then the daytime. Saturday and Sunday are always spent skating and filming. We try to get out early to make the most of the day, or take a trip to somewhere else on the west coast.
"A full day of teaching after a night mission is a struggle, but it’s worth it if I can get a clip haha."
WF: Anyone you want to thank?
WK: I gotta thank Kyle Steneide for sticking with me during this. I’ve never tried tricks for so many hours haha. And of course you and Unk (Rich Colwell). Same with Sammy Perales (heal up soon, we need you back on the sesh!). Always thankful for Sierra Fellers and Mystery too, as well as Dennis Bellow at Adidas, and Tony at 35th. So many more people to be thankful for too but I’m going to leave it at that haha.
Thanks for reading!
Will Fisher