Unk: Crack this beer open, let's go! So you are just getting your feet wet in the traveling department. What stops are you trying to make before 2019?
Nug: Definitely going to Mexico, I have never been there, so that's definitely one. Always have to come see the homies in LA. When the weather gets better I might go to Toronto. New York for sure, haven’t been there either. Definitely want to go to the east coast more!

Unk: Speaking of that, you just got a new job for the airlines, hows it going so far?
Nug: It’s pretty cool I only work 3 days a week!
Unk: Three days a week, sick!
Nug: Pretty sick huh!
Unk: Would you recommend working for the airlines?
Nug: Well, it depends on how much work you're trying to do and how much you're trying to get paid. Like if you have a family to feed it’s probably not the best job. But if you are young and want to fly anywhere for free its a pretty cool gig, I don't know why I didn’t do it earlier.
"But if you are young and want to fly anywhere for free it's a pretty cool gig, I don't know why I didn’t do it earlier."

Unk: From the conversations we have been having, it doesn't sound like checking a bag is a good idea.

Nug: Oh my god, Never check your bag! actually probably shouldn’t put this on the air, but never check in your bag, that shit gets fucking mangled on the way to the flight. Holy god, man, it's a miracle any of it even makes it to the plane.
Unk: Say you have 100 people traveling, how many people get their bags?
Nug: Like every day I work probably like 75% of people get their bags.
Unk: So 25% of people don’t get their shit?
Nug: Crazy huh, that's a lot of people not getting there bags every day.

Unk: Do you ever judge a customer by the amount of baggage they bring, like why does this chick have 37 bags on this flight?
Nug: Dude, some of the bags are heavy as fuck, they break my back, I’m like why am I doing this for $12 an hour. Then I’m like, well fuck it, I get to go to Cabo tomorrow so I guess I’m going to throw this heavy ass bag into the plane.
"Then I’m like well fuck it I get to go to Cabo tomorrow so I guess I’m going to throw this heavy ass bag into the plane."

Thanks for reading,
Will Fisher